by The Poet Behind The Poems Jun 15, 2012
category :
Dark, fantasy /
August 10th 1999 |
by Tara Kay
Okay...I have been reading a few dark poems just a minute ago so I am in the right frame to comment now...I must say that this is really good and dark and I like it... |
by Burning Angel
Wow... that is extremeky gruesome. I love it! |
Whatever it is we do wrong in life |
by Unknown
A fantastic dark poem! I love it! I love how you incorporated 666 in it to associate with evil in this and also how you put the amount of hours that he had been counting while he was in jail. I'm adding to my favs! :) |
by Purple Rose
This, my friend, is an excellent dark poem. Very good and very, very, extremely creepy in my opinion. Just out of curiosity, is there an actual serial killer named Tommy Harper? I couldn't find anything on him, so I am assuming this is a person from your imagination... o.O |