Goodbye is the last chyme

by Krysten   Jun 16, 2012

You say my name softly when you speak of me
You twiddle your thumbs wondering where i'd be

Sometimes you dream of me and wake in alarm
Dream i'm with you at that farm

I pass through your mind rapidly because you want me out
Everybody else can tell when because you pout

Days, months even a year has passed
Since we have seen each other last

I know you still cry and what you are processing through
Thinking of what is next to do

Emotions changed and now all displaced
This is something we both faced

It should be over now, we should be friends
But there is far more to come before the bitter sweet end

All those girls you used and put aside
You said i was different, you lied

You used me for a bit longer then the others
I was your cover

I was your protection
I gave you everything, the satisfaction

You had me whole
Even the small ruins of my soul

But then you broke me completly to the core
I could no longer take it anymore

I had to rebuild
Have all the bumps and holes refilled

Forget your name and your face
You took away my place

I was doing fine until you came back into sight
I was weary, ready for a fight

But i couldn't speak, i was falling, tripping and breaking on the inside
I had to run, i did try

But i was too weak and fragile
I knew this would be over gradually

It has taken awhile
But i always tried to smile

So screw your crying and dreams
Your just trying to rip at my seams

That i sewed back together because of you
Screw your distant thoughts of me, think of someone new

I don't want to be taken, trapped anymore
I let myself free, to soar

Maybe you should do the same
Because im not coming back, im not to blame

Goodbye for the last time
Goodbye is the last chyme


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  • 12 years ago

    by Khalid M Darwish

    Nice rhyming Krysten! I think this poem should belong to the sad poems, althoiugh it's speaks of love. I enjoyed the flow.