Dark Serenade

by Maple Tree   Jun 18, 2012

Deadly mascara dances under the moon, as night time cries,
forbidden behavior goes unnoticed as feverish hands
wipe away another broken whisper of repetitious apologies.

Fire winds burn as scarlet lace travels upon a night
of devilish eyes and schizophrenic demons,
fingers violate as slithering whispers promise pleasure.

Searching for peace and loving grace, I fall under spells of
our magical union, dreaming of romance,
falling endlessly to false illusions of masked shadows,
telling me I'm the fool to believe in happiness.

I, disguise my tortured soul with a smile,
as darkness serenades my withered mind
with one more nightmare to choke on....


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Latest Comments

  • 12 years ago

    by Amanda Brown

    Wow.... The flow of this is beautiful... You are very good

  • 12 years ago

    by L

    Mascara, dark poems... In two poems that I have read, this sounds like a contest. Pretty awesome, I like reading this one. Everything was so smooth and the finally stroke me.. Another nightmare to choke on. I'm starting to like the use of mascara in more poems. This was really really good.

  • 12 years ago

    by Naughtymouse

    Aahhhh syrup!!

    I gotta side with tara on this one, we get so used to nature pieces from you when you sneak these dark little gems our way the effect is just devestating!!

    Seriously i just stared at my screen for a few moments after reading this ooooo how i love your darkside, your control over language is nothing short of masterful, the flow of the piece and images were like out of some dark twsted fairytail.. damn you can write like no one else syrup simply fantastic!!!

  • 12 years ago

    by Lioness

    It looks like this may be the poem we were asked to write for the contest. I have to say that this is awesome!!! The images are dark and just so vivid and the words you've used are brilliant.

    I think that you had changed the title from what it could have been and I have to say the title fits well into the poem.

    Awesome write hun


  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    I am speechless as well, this is fantastic! I am definitely adding this to my favs! :)