by nouriguess
Nana - |
by Purple Rose
Typos: first stanza, second line, I would change 'in' to 'on' since nothing can go 'in' a plate...also in the fourth stanza, first line I would change 'Shouldn't have ran a mile for snowman' to 'Shouldn't have ran a mile for a snowman.' I would also change this line 'Should have ran a mile from snowman," to 'Should have ran a mile away from the snowman," or something like that. The way you have it doesn't quite make sense to me...I mean I know what you are saying, but I think it would sound better this way...however, it is your poem. I am just giving my opinion... |
by Tara Kay
Nana, When I read this, I really felt the coldness with the sadness...the deepness ran through the whole poem |