Phone Buzzing

by Thomas   Jun 23, 2012

I need to put this on paper
Cause it's eating me inside and out
This feeling rumbling in my chest
The one that makes me fill my longs and shout

How much I want you
What I feel for you
How I adore you
What's going through my mind

I have to restrain myself
Put handcuffs on both my wrists
To stop me from texting you
But this feeling inside insists

So I spend my days
Drifting between hope and despair
Waiting for the phone to buzz
So I can jump out of my chair

And read the kind words
That your gentle fingers typed
So that the fire inside
Can be poked and re-ignite


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Latest Comments

  • 12 years ago

    by average thoughts

    I have to restrain myself
    Put handcuffs on both my wrists
    To stop me from texting you
    But this feeling inside insists..

    It happens to me evryday..
    No mattr hw busy i m i cnt stp myslf frm txting her..
    Grt job,thomas..

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    A very cute poem, very relatable to almost everyone. When I'm waiting for a text from someone special, I always jump with excitement. It is hard to wait for a text though, you are always on edge... I'm always very impatient. I want them to text me back, asap lol.

    A fantastic write! :)

  • 12 years ago

    by L

    This is a cute poem that sounded like rap.
    I guess its due to the rhymes but I agree it's cute. The feeling of waiting for a text or a call from that someone and then it intensifies when in reality the text was from that someone.


  • 12 years ago

    by Purple Rose

    I agree, this is a very cute poem Thomas. Hopefully this will come true for you someday if it hasn't already.


  • 12 years ago

    by Wicked Ways

    Awh this is a cute poem. . . its sweetly and lovely written..... its such a good feeling isnt it....

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