Comments : Sciophobia

  • 12 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    Well penned

  • 12 years ago

    by Darren

    Firstly I had to look this word up just to double check, Fear of shadows.
    Once I had looked it up and then read your poem again it seemed obvious!!
    Only 1 nit, can not should be cannot in the spider stanza.
    I like how you portray how hard it could be to suffer from this. You would be limited at what you could do, I like how you end the poem in the final stanza, your character is finding the strength to lose the fear, not only that, to grow to love it.
    A torn spider is an awesome analogy,

    Great read.

  • 12 years ago

    by nouriguess

    Yeah, I could feel this though I don't really fear shadows but I do suffer from lots of phobias, so yup, can relate.

    I always think you write wonderful, MarryAnne, and I'm sorry that I'm just now upset and....don't seem to leave a proper comment. Just know that I loved this...I know I have been making excuses..I will get to this, I promise.

    'Listen to my plea,
    for if you would
    but whisper
    that I be yours,
    the shame of the
    world would soon
    neglect us'

    What a heartbreaking stanza. Frustration and's just too much for my heart now. It's been a long time since I read a heartbreaking sentence and that sentence is feels like you were convincing yourself that the world will just leave us all alone, I wish the whole world could live me all alone too. Ughhh.

    Sorry for my jumbled comment but I'm in the worst mood at the moment. Still love this.