Abandoned Was My Eventual Fate

by Haden Chua   Jun 25, 2012

Waves of unease flood my heart,
Defying and ignoring my loving touch.
Crippling memories shake me through,
For your angelic image seems so true.

Precious and priceless you are in my eyes,
For I can never bear to see you cry.
Clinging deeply to the love we share,
Treasuring a love that seems so rare.

Severed sinews and battered heart,
Oh, how I long for your tender hug!
Heartening to see you change,
As you walk out of my loving range.

Abandoned was my eventual fate,
For all was deemed too late.
Melancholic and forlorn I became,
Forever forgetting love and pain.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    What a heartbreaking and beautiful rhyme piece. This poem is detailed in many ways and the rhyme scheme flow was beautiful!

    The author took an old feel approach that made it rich and explosive within the message....

    the love and loss can be felt throughout...

    "Severed sinews and battered heart,
    Oh, how I long for your tender hug"

    ^^ these two lines here express what I'm talking about to a tee.... The author has such a deep word usage in the first line and then ties together with elegant simplicity..... I really admire a writer who can splash a poem in such a way.... Love it!

    Its simplicity is so elegant and then the author gives it a wonderful visual display.... It's hard for me to express the beauty of this piece... it's just magical in my opinion and deserves to be highlighted! Well done Haden Chua

  • 12 years ago

    by retha

    Melancholy my love i bid thee set me free.
    I long to walk upon the shores of love once more.
    I long to touch the face of one i adore.
    I long to be .....I long to be melancholy no more, melancholy no more you and me.

    Loved your Melancholy ;)

  • 12 years ago

    by Steven Beesley

    A very nicely written poem indeed!

    I deem this as front page material!