The Man who Loved a Paper Doll

by Saraphene   Jul 3, 2012

I once knew a young man who fell in love,
With a girl who could not speak.
They would spend hours in silence,
the comfortable kind, not the bleak.

I once knew a young man who fell in love,
With a girl who could not see.
so they would sit together in darkness,
To stare at nothing and be.

I once knew a young man who fell in love,
With a girl who could not hear,
So he would pour out all his secrets,
With out any shame and no fear.

I once knew a young man who fell in love,
With a girl who could not feel,
But he dressed her carefully all the same,
with stunning paper and ink, in golden and in teal.

I once knew a young man who gave his love,
to a paper doll, and delicate so,
when she tore, it tore his heart,
And he burned them both, so that no-one would know.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Siviwe Siretshe

    "...I once knew a young man who fell in love,
    With a girl who could not hear,
    So he would poor out all his secrets,
    With out any shame and no fear..."

    Nice piece of writing but I'm not sure whwther you wanted to say pour instead of POOR in the line "So he would poor out all his secrets".

    I would love if you'd visist my poems and constructively criticise me as I just did.