by The Poet Behind The Poems Jul 4, 2012
category :
Sadness, depression /
about death
What would you do if you could see how long each person has left on earth? |
by Unknown
This really makes you wonder... |
by Meme
Well you acheived your goal with this poem, it really provokes your mind and make you think alot. |
by BlueJay
Wow. this poem really got my attention, it is so cool. I mean the point of it, the idea and the thought are stunning. I love the simplicity yet the description and pull the piece had on me. |
by Jenni
I think I remember this from a songs video clip, where there was one person who was able to see how much time the people around him had left, but it took him a while till he understood that and if he happened to save a life, then that ability would be passed over to the persons life he had saved. I thought it was quite interesting and your poe reminded me of it, but I can see that there are differences. |
by ronel mccarthy
Thought-provoking.............I suppose we don't know so nature can run its own course........lovely poem |