Why Don't You Read My Poetry

by Meme   Jul 5, 2012

Why don't you read
my poetry anymore,
have you forgotten
how my words feel?

I remember a time
when my lines were the
remedy for your broken

You knew I only picked up
my pen to write for you ..
with you .. and always
about you.

Here I am still writing in
the language you speak
but it seems that you
became a foreigner to
every word.

My poems are now a
city of poetic chaos
not even a traveller
would visit on their
way back home.

So tell me in what
language should I write
maybe then you will
read my poetry again.

© Copyright 2012 by: gIrL


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  • 12 years ago

    by average thoughts

    Well..dnt knw bout othrs..bt i cant say no to uor poetry..
    I wont bcm foreigner evr..

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    This is beyond deep... adding this to my favorites. :)

    One of the hardest things in life is moving on from what you once had, you once shared. You are stuck in the same emotions yet the other person has already moved on and all you want to do is hit rewind back to the time when they felt the same way about you as you did them. You just want it all back.

    I don't think I have a favorite line, they are all just ... amazing.

  • 12 years ago

    by Lioness

    I love this! There's a deeper meaning than just this person reading your poetry. It's about them reading you as a person, getting to know you and feeling with you.

    I love that about this poem hun. I love the depth of the words and the meaning behind it that I felt.



    • 12 years ago

      by Meme

      Yes Liz, you got the point I was trying to deliever by this poe,. Its more than just reading my poetry :-)

  • 12 years ago

    by Steven Beesley

    Allot of sadness coming from the words you have scribed, very emotional.

    I love the concept of the poem, a message to a friend that does not seem to care anymore.

    Uhhh, what I guess I am trying to say is .... ugh well, I know I was wrong for not coming by more....eeerrrr, sorry =( Forgive me, pretty please!

  • 12 years ago

    by nouriguess

    Why do I think your poetry is simply breathtaking? Perhaps, it's in the style, the story...or perhaps because I know you. I will comment later, I am still wearing my shoes :P