
by Jenni   Jul 5, 2012

In artifical light
you rip, advisedly
and as tactless
as you are,
and bunk the moths,
the dreamers wings.

Self-disclosure, you are cruel.

Tonight I will morph
and my pale, yet smooth skin
will radiate moonbeams,
that will embosom your heart.

Avoid my eyes if I happen
to curl my auburn hair
around fingertips.

Though nothing will seduce
you like my lips, beware
unless you want to taste
temptation just like
Adam and Eve;

the punishment: a leap in the dark.

Thank the night for painting
my silhouette on the horizon,
now you know what to aim for.

Meanwhile I will try these wings,
diversity lets me be my own art.

***Written for Yakis contest


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  • 12 years ago

    by Lioness

    Jenni I love this piece! I love the idea of morphing into something else, as we are always and forever changing.

    Tonight I will morph
    and my pale, yet smooth skin
    will radiate moonbeams,
    that will embosom your heart.
    I love what you wrote in this stanza - the image of your beautiful smooth skin radiating moonbeams - oh what an image.

    Loved it!!!


  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    I added this to my favorites, it's amazing. :)

    To me, it's perfect so I have nothing to criticize, so I will just praise it! These 3 stanzas are amazzzzzzing! :)
    "Tonight I will morph
    and my pale, yet smooth skin
    will radiate moonbeams,
    that will embosom your heart.

    Avoid my eyes if I happen
    to curl my auburn hair
    around fingertips.

    Though nothing will seduce
    you like my lips, beware
    unless you want to taste
    temptation just like
    Adam and Eve;"

  • 12 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    Excellent job jenni

  • 12 years ago

    by Purple Rose

    Typos: sixth stanza, one liner, 'punishtment' is supposed to be 'punishment.' Just trying to help :)

    I believe the subject of this poem was that you were in a house of mirrors and you had to write a poem about what you see? I have to admit that this prompt was quite interesting...

    After I have researched this, I find this poem very fascinating because I actually understand what is going on. The only stanza that I have a problem with is this one:

    'In artifical light
    you rip, advisedly
    and as tactless
    as you are,
    and bunk the moths,
    the dreamers wings.'

    ^ Because I do not understand what you are trying to convey here. I am utterly clueless sometimes, so I imagine that it is just me. Are you talking about yourself here, or something completely different? I don't really find anything physical mentioned, but this is probably a metaphor for something, so it could be anything :/ Hmmmm...buggers.

    Also another thing that I thought would be worth mentioning is that this line here:

    'the punishtment: a leap in the dark.'

    ^ Doesn't really go together. From reading your poem, I would not say it would be a 'punishment,' I would say that it would be a risk. However, that is what I believe.

    So, from what I understand, I believe that you are praising your skin, your hair, and your lips? I like that you chose these three things because they need care to look beautiful and this shows that you care for yourself :D I really hope that did not sound creepy...

    I'm sorry that the contest was postponed. You did a beautiful job here.


  • 12 years ago

    by Naughtymouse

    Just wonderful, eoic, mesmerising........i will have to comment another time.....gob-smacked, i love it!