Mesmerized by What Begins to Whisper

by Poet on the Piano   Jul 8, 2012

Philadelphia skyline is everything but art
when I call for the sun to sink honey
into my mouth, the same mouth
you said had no right to be in a busy city
of nightly talent.

Yet you also touched these lips with
your own rough, deafening ones,
during which I thought your caresses
would mold me into your own
stone drug....and I reminded myself
you were not afraid to mask me,
make me believe I only need
your drinks.

Destined to find the spaces in between,
to look for words that flourish
in quiet hushes and not in traffic lines
that show too little control.

I don't want to be the one carried,
or the one who shadows a glass...

just lay me to sleep with your heartbeat

and no other damned mixes of alcohol
you speak with.

For I'm trying to create a lover like mine
who this time, will be here
for all the silent tonight's that he feared
would just be



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  • 12 years ago

    by Britt

    Another VERY different poem from you. Maybe I just haven't been reading your poetry lately, I don't know, but your newer stuff seems so much darker than the norm!

    This reminded me of a prostitute in a way, lol, and I apologize if I have this totally wrong. I think the beginning stanza with the nightly talent in a busy city made me think of that.

    Either that or it's of a singer, jazz maybe. I don't know what made me think that way either. It's funny, I feel there is a lot missing (not in a bad way lol) that I could plug into the poem to make it my own story in my head. That's really interesting! :)