by Wild flower
Awww thats a really sad poem, but you did a great job in writing this poem. |
by Meme
Ohhh god Liz, never think you are not worth it!! |
by Karla
Liz, you are worth of everything because you are a soul so rare. How I love your heart. |
by Lioness
:"> |
by L
Liz, |
by Tara Kay
When you write like this. My heart reaches out to you. |
by Decayed
You always pour your heart out on each page you write. This is a beautiful piece... and who isn't sure that you're worth everything, my friend? ;) |
Never doubt yourself not even for a minute |
by Purple Rose
Request: it is not really a typo, so I request that you put 'a' between 'like' and 'traitor' in the fifth line on the first stanza. It would make the flow go a whole lot better for me - I kind of stumbled over that... |
by Baby Rainbow
Loved it, I like the spacing out of your poem, it is almost like it is layed out as they way it came into your head in the thoughts. |
by Unknown
My heart aches for you. Sometimes we hide secrets from the ones we love to either protect them or because we are just so embarrassed by them we are afraid they will never see us the same way again... like they will judge us. However, if he truly loves you then he will look back the imperfections and will love you even more. |
by Xanthe
I love how you write about feelings felt everyday by everyone one way or another in their lives. It is so admirable. |
by Hellon
I get the feeling you wrote this in a rush..spur of the moment thing...wanting to get it all down before anyone came home and "caught"you? Just a feeling.. |
by nouriguess
Too many times have I had this feeling. Hang in there, beautiful. |