by Decayed
Oh God, Jenni... |
The truth lies under the fingernails |
It took me a while to grasp this but after a while I finally did it the images you set I really liked I loved the way you said about hiding the truth under the polish to me it's the same as layering make up to hide a scar but also I found the ending to be really powerful and well spoken the tittle I am still abit half and half but the poem it self was marvellous :) |
by Unknown
Oh, Jenni... another fantastic piece. |
by Lioness
Jenni I always love reading your pieces because your talent really shines through them. |
by Tara Kay
I know I don't comment as much as I should, but I do read your poems and always feel connected to them and find them brilliantly mesmerizing. |
by Hellon
I don't know if I'm even going to scratch the surface behind the meaning of this poem but...I'll give it a go anyway. My feeling is (and please forgive me if I'm so very wrong) this is about someone with the early signs of Alzheimer's or some other illness associated with the elderly? Just a few words that you placed within this verse gave me this impression. |
by Xanthe
The language you used here was so refreshing. I love how you tied in different and quite random images that we don't often see used - nail polish, bike, bridges, smiles - but they worked in a very unique way. |
by Marvellous
Agreement, is bridge to doubt sea. Keeping up, calls for agreement. |