Comments : The space between

  • 12 years ago

    by Decayed

    Oh God, Jenni...


    I had to look up what 'lopsided' meant because I wanted to make sure if the smile is deformed in a way or not. And I was somekind of right. The title is tightly related to this last image.

    but the bridges idea, is it related to making the smile straighten?

    I loved your introduction, and that originally crafted image of truth and polished nails. (Y) awesome.

    -- Beautiful, my friend:)

  • 12 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    The truth lies under the fingernails
    often covered with nailpolish
    we can run all we want, but we can't hide
    from the truth
    job well done

  • 12 years ago

    by The Poet Behind The Poems

    It took me a while to grasp this but after a while I finally did it the images you set I really liked I loved the way you said about hiding the truth under the polish to me it's the same as layering make up to hide a scar but also I found the ending to be really powerful and well spoken the tittle I am still abit half and half but the poem it self was marvellous :)
    Well done Jen Jen

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    Oh, Jenni... another fantastic piece.

    "You always said,
    that painted fingernails
    are disingenuous
    while biting your own
    because you knew
    most facts cannot be hidden
    underneath nail polish."

    ^You can't cover up the truth. No matter how many times you paint over your nails, they will chip and the lies will shine through.

    "we need bridges between us,
    without fees or custom checks,
    but trust, openness and respect.
    Bridges, that are walked upon
    instead of lived under."
    ^For any relationship to work you have to have those 3 key elements you state - trust, openness and respect. You need to be able to walk together instead of being walked on. You know the saying 'people will walk all over you'? I guess that's how I interpreted this.

    Lopsided smiles are the cutest... very nice ending. :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Lioness

    Jenni I always love reading your pieces because your talent really shines through them.

    I loved reading this one. Oh the first stanza was brilliant, the way you opened up. Someone hiding the truth underneath painted nails and then someone else biting them because they believe the truth will come out sooner or later.

    A VERY enjoyable poem to read hun



  • 12 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    I know I don't comment as much as I should, but I do read your poems and always feel connected to them and find them brilliantly mesmerizing.

    This is no exception, It was sort of really strong in a way and understanding of the way people are here is awesome...

    Jenni, you little superstar, loved this, love you

    Hugs tight


  • 12 years ago

    by Hellon

    I don't know if I'm even going to scratch the surface behind the meaning of this poem but...I'll give it a go anyway. My feeling is (and please forgive me if I'm so very wrong) this is about someone with the early signs of Alzheimer's or some other illness associated with the elderly? Just a few words that you placed within this verse gave me this impression.

    It's a very deep poem regardless if I've got my interpretation wrong and...I did enjoy reading it....made me think!

  • 12 years ago

    by Xanthe

    The language you used here was so refreshing. I love how you tied in different and quite random images that we don't often see used - nail polish, bike, bridges, smiles - but they worked in a very unique way.

    I like the idea of hiding the truth beneath nail polish, then how 'he' didn't like it. I think the relationship you created between the characters was very intriguing. They were, in a way, opposite.

    To me, the 'best friend' part hinted a bit of dishonesty, and perhaps a rift between them; a quarrel.?

    I found the dialogues very interesting. This poem - whilst reading it, I imagined this was all a recollection. The dialogues are all by this person ('you').

    "Isn't it funny how my bike
    is the only intact thing
    I have in my life?"
    I interpreted that this 'bike' represents his childhood. Interesting..

    The ending was very creative. It made me imagine a 'space between' the characters. The bridge is something they're planning to build, like it's just the beginning of their relationship.
    Beautiful piece, Jenni. I'm sorry I only commented now, but I always read your work. Keep writing :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Marvellous

    Agreement, is bridge to doubt sea. Keeping up, calls for agreement.