Comments : Colors Of London

  • 12 years ago

    by Naughtymouse


    I love this write meeeeemeeeee!!

    Straight into my favourites:-)
    Your presence brought
    back the colors in my life,
    I no longer stand in
    grayscale palettes. You
    painted your love all over
    the walls of my heart.

    ^^^^^ my favourite part (i loved them all but this is my fav)

    I love the way you used colours and painting the walls of your heart just epic :-))

  • 12 years ago

    by Lioness

    :O Aweome hun!!!

    I loved the way you personified London because this could have easily have been for someone specific. A person.

    I can see why you are one of my fav writers hun!!!


  • 12 years ago

    by Decayed

    Red,White,Blue.. I guess they're the colors of UK flag?

    Awesome romantic poem, meme :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    YAY You nailed it. I loved seeing London in your poetry...awesome :)


  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    The personification of London is amazing.

    "Right there just at the
    stroke of midnight, all
    I see is London in your
    eyes .."
    ^Great imagery, I can just see the reflection of London in whoever's eyes you are gazing into. :)

    "Our first dance was
    only witnessed by the
    moonlight .. and the
    hundred shades of a
    perfect velvety sky."
    ^Again, wonderful imagery. There is just something so romantic about dancing under the moonlight.

    "Swaying me to the
    silent music that played
    so loudly in your heart."
    ^I love this stanza, it's breathtaking. I assume you are talking about their heartbeat being the music? Or well you said silent music, so I might be interpreting that wrong. Whatever it is, I love. :)

    "Your presence brought
    back the colors in my life,
    I no longer stand in
    grayscale palettes. You
    painted your love all over
    the walls of my heart."
    ^Love has it's way of doing that. When you are alone, you feel gray... then suddenly someone comes into your life and it lights up your whole world... Colors seem brighter, scents smell sweeter... everything is better because you are in love and happy.

    "Steal me away and let the
    stars be our only guide. Yes,
    I'll always be yours .. and you
    are mine."
    ^Oh, I love that. Let the stars be our only guide. The stars aren't really a pathway, so it's unpredictable where they may lead you. Amazing.

    I added this to my favorites - it's beautiful.

  • 12 years ago

    by Jenni

    I believe that this is the first poem of yours that I actually comment on and I feel like leaving a proper comment and not just a few words because I've got some things to say.

    I realized that in your title you captialized all three words, but I'd probably only do so with "Colors" and "London" because like that it would stand out even more and I think that it shows that on one side both incorporate in your poem, while on the other they also stand individually and have its weight, but that's just my suggestion.

    Mentioning the colors of the flag as the beginning of the poem might be helpful for those, who are not too familiar with UKs flag and it is not like you only reminded those who wouldn't know, but also actually connect things with those colors as proven in the next lines:

    "Right there just at the
    stroke of midnight, all
    I see is London in your
    eyes .."
    ^ I'd probably insert a comma after "Right there" because I think that will increase that secretive and specific tone I feel in your poem, I think that the persona isn't talking, but whispering, which sets a nice atmosphere especially since you did not have to write that she is, but that the reader can literally feel it being said in a whispering voice.
    The colors appear in that persons face, more specific in their eyes and though I get the white and blue, I wouldn't picture the red in their eyes because to me, that'd take any sense of romance, I rather thought of the red being displayed in their blushing cheeks and I think that apart from the actual colors you also see London and everything you connect with that in their eyes, whether it be freedom or home, it's there.
    But I should probably continue with the rest of your poem otherwise I'll keep rambling on here.

    "Our first dance was
    only witnessed by the
    moonlight .. and the
    hundred shades of a
    perfect velvety sky."
    ^ As much as I loved this stanza, I dislike "velvety" the y at the end really distracts me and I do not even know why lol
    Many poets write about dancing underneath the sky, whether it be by night or during rain, I think it's a really nice image a lot of people actually wish to experience and even though I've seen it so often before I feel as though you gave it your own touch by adorning the image with delicate details, that make it really personal.

    "Swaying me to the
    silent music that played
    so loudly in your heart."
    ^ I just love the word "sway" I think it represents an ease that only few words seem to have, but it fits so very well to the situation you're describing and I also like the "contradiction" "silent music (...) loudly(...)", I like it when that happens in poems since it does not feel odd at all, but it emphasizes how close the person is to the persona and how much of an effect that situation has on both of them.

    The repetition of the colors with the addition of "my" was really lovely too, it's as if the persona just dared to confess how she felt with this poem and is actually willing to take the responabilities as well as consequences to say "my".

    Overall I think this is a really beautiful poem! :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Hellon

    This was such a charming write. Very soft and romantic....I felt I was reading this in hushed tones and you brought a sense of breathlessness to the reader...I wanted so much for this night to last for you :)

    Red .. White .. Blue ..

    Right there, just at the
    stroke of midnight, all
    I see is London in your
    eyes ..


    Using eyes here kind of spoiled it for me slightly. I loved the colours of the flag being used but, I think I'd probably just have left eyes out altogether and say..all I see is London in you. This would let the reader for eyes, red for lips and white for the moon shining on his skin?

    Our first dance was
    only witnessed by the
    moonlight .. and the
    hundred shades of a
    perfect velvety sky.

    This was very nice and gave the reader some lovely images.

    Swaying me to the
    silent music that played
    so loudly in your heart.

    Your presence brought
    back the colors in my life,
    I no longer stand in
    grayscale palettes. You
    painted your love all over
    the walls of my heart.


    Loved the usage of grayscale palettes here...nice insert.

    Steal me away and let the
    stars be our only guide. Yes,
    I'll always be yours .. and you
    are mine.
    My Red .. My White .. My Blue ..

    It's true, I knew I would find
    in you .. My London

    I really enjoyed this poem overall....very nicely done!