Sins of Lovers

by Khalid M Darwish   Jul 16, 2012

I wrote 'Allowed for All' on my heart
Happy I was, being her heart winner
Until she decided with him to depart
And hereby became that poor sinner

People asked why I'm always alone
I wrote letters, stolen by that lover
Feeling it harmful to have her gone
Since that time we're not together!

Till she was seen crying her destiny
Blaming luck, being brokenhearted
for sleepless nights, losing integrity
since he betrayed her and departed

Came back, wishing my 'forgiveness'
And that this will be her last chance
With a decent heart full of kindness
I said: Heart is your palace of dance

Her feelings became immeasurable!
Not believing I would be that decent
or my heart, the easily much soluble
though she found my love so recent

The days passed quickly that round
Till I found her again in a well of sins
Sins which would break the ground!
Sunk up to chin as a fish with no fins

Hereby I caught a fire hard to quell!
Thinking how I was betrayed twice!
I decided to quit telling her farewell
and for a new heart I threw the dice


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  • 12 years ago

    by La Reina De Corazones

    Wow this poem is kinda painful to read since i went through this in a way in my past but overall this poem is VERY well written and it shows the talent of the poet by the diction he/she writes and the way the images pop out and call to you in this poem both the emotions and the images came into view beautifully! :) 5/5

    Queen Ash

  • 12 years ago

    by Siham

    Breathtaking poem, you left me speechless.
    5/5 excellent

  • 12 years ago

    by Wild flower

    Wooooow I do agree, I too love the way this poem is structured, and its beautifully written. Awesome job:)

  • 12 years ago

    by L

    Ah, love, love, why must you be so tough,
    tough to find in someone who is worth?

    interesting read, I have to say that the way this poem is structure surprised me.. I thought that perhaps it had syllable count but then I count some syllables and I found that it wasn't. So then I thought, perhaps its counting words, but haha. At the end I gave up and I just enjoyed the read. Well written.

  • 12 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    The heart is very fragile and easily can be
    broken. Somehow we find a reason to forgive. However, there comes a time
    we need to put our happiness first and
    let go
    a beautiful poem and written with so
    much elegance