Comments : I'm no loser [Diary fragment]

  • 12 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Yaki, Damn, Teach me how to be carefree and honest, I swear, I want to be like you, write awesome poetry, swear in the faces of the judgemental, throw careless looks at those who put me down and rise above it without a care.

    I want to be able to write down strength and give knowledge to others, you wise ass girl you are, I just adore you

    I adore your poetry and your lovely personality, Damn you, You are too awesome for me


  • 12 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Wow Yaki!!! This was such an honest piece and it was so strengthening in the end :) That's what we all need to do, realize if we are truly happy and then get to where we need to be to reach our own happiness, and no one else's. I love the part about being worthy of life's good times and bad. There's so much perception in this piece, I am truly inspired by this.

    Great job girl- this is a true gem that no one but you could have written from the heart :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Does not wear shoes that imitate
    the sound of a galloping horse.
    the "me" I know, writes on paper
    but does not file them.

    ^^ amazing 4 lines.. I was captivated at this stanza

    I've cried myself
    to sleep too many nights because
    I was unhappy with who I was,
    and changed myself by the morning.

    ^ fell in love with this poem at this point. Loved the positivity.

    This poem, i couldn't read without reading like I was on stage doing slam poetry. The attitude in this piece is stunning and much different than your other writes. If there is ever an opportunity to read a poem in front of people, Id choose this one..seriously so powerful, and you can tell you believe in yourself when others don't which is what you were lacking for a long time..Im pleased to read such a brilliant write that sticks it to the people who put you down