Comments : Crabs

  • 12 years ago

    by Nassim

    Wowww,it's great.the painting and everything was awsome

  • 3 years ago

    by Aiko Hiraeth

    Jealousy is a lot worse than it looks at first. Once it develops, the person starts to look more like a concept than skin. This poem came quite close to home.

  • 3 years ago

    by Lost star

    Wow. What an amazing poem. I think alot of people could relate to this write, it really is something to behold,..

    "We fed on fresh crab that night, slurping meaty flesh from softened shells, cackling with ancient savagery, wild eyes dancing in candlelight or drowning in wine.
    I loved you then, decidedly;
    I loved you as my dearest friend,
    but also as my nemesis."

    I honestly loved it all but these lines in particular carried weight with me. Thank you so pointing this one out I really enjoyed it!