Comments : Anymore

  • 12 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    I loved the repeat of anymore, it just drew so much of that sorrow of losing someone who was truly your friend and understanding.....honest and raw write, I liked the beginning how you clearly put out it wasn't because of jealous, it was just that you were saddened you could not be able to share in his happiness. You put it so simply words of being lost in aggravation and not knowing what to do next, finally realizing it's unfixable.

    Good read! Thanks for your comment on my poem Chelsey :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Omar

    Whoa i love the fact that evertime you put the word anymore, it sounded so perfect. I can relate to this poem. I know how it feels to lose a friend. But you jus got to move on.

    Overall it was a awesome poem. :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Wicked Ways

    I cry at your very happiness
    No, not because of jealousy,
    because I no longer share it with you

    Wow chesley , I really love this opening, it just is so blunt like you said, so very true, I know the feeling as well, when someone is happy without you and you feel guilty for not liking it, or being jealoud. . . you just wish you were apart of it. I, too, liked the use of anymore and liked that you used it as your title. You've written a very heartbreaking poem here, its very sad when you cannot mend a relationship but you must move on for there is nothing else you can do when it is unfixable :(

    Excellent write :)) 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Aww, this is so sad. It is so sad when relationships change and you sometimes wish they could go back to how they started off.
    I loves the opening and how you stated you missed sharing the happiness with them.

    I really related to the part when you described writing about this person although you try to deny their meaning to you. I do this often and then question myself about what they mean to me since I still end up writing about them.

    Good ending, there comes a point when you have to ask yourself if you can ever see this being fixed and if it is indeed worth the work. Sometimes the effort only comes from one side - this never works.
    I really liked this one. x

  • 12 years ago

    by Jenni

    Chelsey this piece struck got to me so much, made me sigh and suffer with you.

    I do not know what to say, but that this poem is beautiful; as sad as it may be, but it is beautiful..I wish you wouldn't have to feel this so that you'd come up with these writes.

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    Well, my heart is no more. It has had enough for the day... this has just hit home too hard.

    As everyone else state, the anymore at the end of each stanza is perfect. Who knew that simple word would be so powerful?

    "I cry at your very happiness
    No, not because of jealousy,
    because I no longer share it with you
    Yes, this might have come out blunt,
    but I found no point in sugar coating
    when you lack to coat me in anything sweet
    ^It's hard to see someone you love be happy without you... some people say it's bittersweet, that they are happy that they are happy... but yet it's miserable because it's without you. I guess I'm selfish, I am not happy for them lol. I'm the one secretly wishing whatever is making them happy to just leave so they can realize that "I" was the only thing that ever made them truly happy lol. I don't know if that makes sense... but I just rambled about it. Moving on...

    "I don't value your friendship,
    yet, you are the only person
    worth writing about these days
    I'm lost in a field of unhealthy
    aggravation and mental breakdowns
    This ink is the only fertilizer
    that helps clear my mind,
    and these pages are the only
    thing that keeps us connected
    ^We punish ourselves sometimes, I think. We just keep repeating our past memories and it just draws us into breakdowns and depression. I love how you said writing is the only thing that keeps you connected... you don't communicate any more, yet you secretly do. </3

    "I try and ready my spirit for
    any type of reconciliation,
    but after the 5th fight and
    the 1st spiteful word,
    I just don't think it's fixable
    ^So true... there can only be so much we can handle. Fighting constantly and then when the spiteful words start flying... yeah, no matter how many "I'm sorry's" you hear... nothing will ever erase those words from your mind. Been there, done that.

    A beautiful, heartbreaking piece that I just fell in love with... and it's going straight into my favs!

  • 12 years ago

    by Lioness

    I feel like I am connecting with your pieces more and more everytime I read them.

    This is a wonderful piece though filled with sadness and maybe a hint of regret and loss.

    Chels you are a great poet!
