
by Faith Ann   Jul 21, 2012

Your sweet scent, your soft lips
your tight hugs, every little kiss'
it makes me go crazy, it makes me fall harder each day
the fact that you always know what to do and say

You are so understanding, you get me like no other
the only thing in the way is Tim & my mother

The way you tell me you love me as you stare in my eyes
hold me in your arms every single time i cry
You kiss my forehead the way you know I love
you are so sweet but yet so fun

I want us together, but I am so scared
It figures that i would lose the man that actually cared
We gotta do something, gotta make it right
Because im tired of all these lonely sleepless nights


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  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    I assume you are in a relationship that your parents do not approve of. That's a hard situation... either way you go, you lose something. If you go by their rules, you lose him... if you stay with him behind their back, you lose their trust and respect. I would sit down and have a talk with them... voice your opinions and then let them voice theirs...communication is key. Show them you are more mature than maybe they think you are.

    Anyway, you wrote a sweet little poem about how much you adore him and wish that you could spend as much time with him as possible. I wish you the best. :)

    • 12 years ago

      by Faith Ann

      Okay, will do :) Thanks!

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