Comments : A date with darkness (mini mono verse)

  • 12 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    The dark not necessarily means that we
    are full of hate. To me it is more pain and
    hurt, feeling rejected and resented by others
    Great write

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    Oh wow, this has a lot of imagery with just a few words! The first stanza obviously the person committed suicide. Very sad. The second, I really like. They chose their fate by killing themselves, so now they are going to be in eternal darkness.

    Great write! Great form and rhymes! :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Purple Rose

    Very dark poem. I did not know what a mini mono verse was before I read this, so I had to look it up, of course.

    The requirements were that you were supposed to have a rhyme scheme of aaaaa, and bbbbb while having 3 syllables per line. You did this expertly :]

    Like Hannah said, in the first stanza the person obviously committed suicide. For the second, it seems like they were going to hell? Or at least somewhere where there isn't sunshine :S

    I am going to have to try this form some time. I have never tried it before, because I am afraid of the restrictions.

    Very good, Tony.


  • 12 years ago

    by Decayed

    Mini mono... that is cool ;)

    I like how chopped up it is,,,and due to its shortness in content and length, you get like flashes of alll dark images. cool

  • 12 years ago

    by DirtRoadGirl

    Another great write from an awesome poet :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Wow, can't believe the power that comes from this when there are hardly any words! What an amazing write.

    Your first stanza for me, reminded me of the nights I used to self harm when I was younger. i would wait til darkness to cut and this is what hit me when I read your words here.

    Your second stanza was more of a trapped feeling, it could be from anything. Trapped in the depression or memories or anything which you can fit the emotion to.

    Excellent job.

  • 12 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    I love the style, I'd have to say I like reading your longer lines of poetry and how you weave a tale to tell, but the images are strong here. That sense of self-destruction and not being able to break free.