Comments : Inexplicable fear

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    I absolutely loved this poem from the challenge! It has so many dark, eery images in it and it just made my skin crawl with creepiness at times!

    I think I shall add this to my favs! :)

    Keep writing, Saffie!

  • 12 years ago

    by L

    The P's.
    I liked your take on the challenge, it does give an eery feeling when reading. The eyes that speak in the silence, the way this person makes you feel.. Everything was given to the reader to wonder.. And I did wonder who this person was.. That adds mystery to it and suspense at the same time. Hence, it's scary.
    Well done

  • 12 years ago

    by Xanthe

    "I know well of his cruel intentions,
    he needs no words to speak."
    Wow.. Might I just suggest you change the comma to a semi-colon? It would be much more powerful.

    "This beast holds so much power within
    those eery eyes."
    Typo: eerie

    This is one of my favorites submitted for the contest. It's abstract as most dark poems are; it makes the reader think and it allows us to relate with our own experiences.

    "They petrify me to my very core."
    Great use of the word in the challenge. I love the idea of eyes petrifying. Eyes are so powerful and creepy when you think of them.. and you penned that so well here.

    "I wish to exist no more."
    I love the ending as it leaves the reader thinking.

    Perhaps my only other critique would be the word choice as they are quite typical in dark poems like this. Not saying you should edit this, but just a little tip for future use, I guess :)

    I enjoyed reading this, keep writing, Saffie. I love every poem I read by you

  • 12 years ago

    by Lioness

    Great poem! I felt freaked out a little reading it thinking oh man you stay away from her grrrr

    I was in the moment. Awesome imagery and feelings!
