Comments : A wannabe's Perception

  • 12 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Oh Jenni...
    I sense you are talking about not feeling satisfied with your writing...
    I know how that feels,
    but you wrote this and I love it...
    and you are an awesome person and you write good damn poetry all the time...
    No exception here!

    This shows frustration,anger and a hint of insecurity of whether writing is you, and I tell you, it is, cos you always blow me away and you touch my heart and so many of the writers here will say exactly the same.

    I may be wrong, and be looking for negativity in everything, apologies if this is not on track


  • 12 years ago

    by Decayed

    Oh Gosh, Jenni..
    Oh Gosh.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is freaking awesome....
    freaking awesome!!!


    The best Piece I have read this week, too!

    I wish I had votes left.


    # Forgot to say:

    I hope you change your title, maybe to: Mother Tongue

    It is a perfect piece, but the title isn't that much attractive!

    anyway.. just suggesting!

  • 12 years ago

    by Purple Rose

    Jenni! Hi :)

    There is only one thing that I found wrong, or odd I should say. Why is 'wannabes' not capitalized? I just thought that was odd. Also, if you are talking about only one wannabe, there should be an apostrophe between the 'e' and the 's'...but there might be some significance to you on how you put it...thought I would mention it :]

    I love this poem. It is so short, but it is very personal, isn't it? I agree with what Tara said - I think that this is about your insecurity as a poet, but let me tell you something...there is no need to be insecure. You are a beautiful poet, Jenni. Do you write a lot? No, you don't, but what you do write is always spectacular. I love your poems :)

    I nominated this :) I hope you don't mind.

    P.S. I wouldn't change the title. I love it like it is :)


  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    I definitely see your insecurity in this. I know I feel the same way sometimes. However, you have no reason to... when you do write a new piece, I'm always excited to read it because it is ALWAYS wonderful! Never doubt that you aren't meant to be a poet! You got skills, girl. :)

  • 12 years ago

    by L

    I had written my comment in a rush, then I hit the back button instead of submit .. >.<

    but what I was saying was that I think poetry is everyone's mother tongue but some have a hard time expressing their feelings while others are better at it.

    my point pretty much is, rather what I think is that you haven't forgotten the feeling, instead there might be something else that is making you feel like such.

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    It is sad you felt this way, however I know from your previous poems you will bounce back and I would hope you could do an opposite version of this poem... that I would love to see.

    You write such amazing poems and hold such a unique talent. Sometimes after a break from writing and taking a step back you often appreciate your work better and take some pressure off of yourself.

    Not many poets can write such little words and leave such an impact behind.... that is something very special!

  • 12 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    What a powerful poem, there was such a depth of emotions here, irritation, not knowing what else there is, and not thinking one is confident enough or significant.

    Excellent, thought-provoking piece. Thanks for the read Jenni :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Saerelune

    While PnQ has been under the spell of short poetry as of late, I think that this one has impacted me the most of all. Your wording is simple but the connection of poetry to language is incredibly clever. Somehow I thought this was a very sad piece. It's rather ironic that we usually grieve over the loss of what used to be (nostalgia), while the persona here seems to be grieving over something that will forever remain close to her origin.

    Having said that, I wasn't so keen on the title. While the poem itself is rather sombre, the title seems a bit b.i.t.c.h.y [PnQ just doesn't allow me to use that word]. Maybe it's the word "wannabe". I think a title somewhat relating to failure (not literally, though) would fit the poem. Just a thought?

    Anyway, nice write. Maybe your perceptions aren't just that close to reality, this poem has proven that.

  • 12 years ago

    by Lioness

    I love this but the words sadden me. The feeling that you get when your poetry doesn't express how you feel, like it is written in another language. I get that.

    But I must say that I absolutely LOVE your poetry and I know a lot of other people do too. I mean look at the people's reactions made to this one alone :P You are an amazing poet!


  • 12 years ago

    by Xanthe

    I had the same thoughts - that this poem was about insecurity or a lack of confidence. But somehow I thought it may also be about writer's block? Or maybe I'm over-reading this because the title points to being insecure. It's like you think you're not a poet, but just someone who's copying someone else; a wannabe.
    Great piece. Keep writing!