Comments : A Damned Lunch

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    This sounds like to me like she feels unappreciated. :( That she called and told you she was sorry for her faults, and that she cooked you a nice dinner... yet, you still act like it isn't good enough because there wasn't more? That's how I read this, though. If it's wrong, I apologize.

    I found the ending somewhat humorous... because I think that if the woman cooks the meal, the husband could at least help with the dishes. Maybe not do them all, but dry for her?I've always liked my boyfriend to dry after I wash because we can be silly and talk.

    Anyway, a good poem... however I don't know why you have exclamation marks after each sentence? I don't think they are needed except for the last sentence where she is shouting at you.

  • 12 years ago

    by L

    Hehe.. you had to wash the dishes

    oh well, but it seems like it didn't go so bad...
    at least you enjoy the lunch.. i mean the food.

  • 12 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    She sounds frustrated, exhausted and
    not being appreciated. Afterall, she is still
    a woman, not only mother and wife.
    She deserves pampering and wants to be
    great write

  • 12 years ago

    by nouriguess

    Haha, I am sorry but I found this so funny (and nostalgic to me). My stepmother and father used to have the same relationship. And they used to kid about everything, fight and... eat.
    ; )
    Not a well-written poem, I will be honest. (And if you want, I could give advice) but it moved things inside of me.
