Comments : The 38th Inmate

  • 12 years ago

    by Britt

    Okay this poem is way too good to have gone unnoticed!! MARYANNE THIS IS AMAZING.

    I found myself having chills throughout the entire piece, and halfway through I had to skim down to see your footnote, I was too impatient and couldn't wait. I had an idea, but knowing exactly what it was about made it even more chilling..sigh.

    "That day, I failed to realize who I was
    and now....

    I will never have a soul for

    I thought time....would forgive."

    Best piece, ever. Hands down. This is gorgeous and heartbreaking.

  • 12 years ago

    by Xanthe

    MaryAnne :)
    I find it quite hard catching up with your poems and I don't know how to write you a 'decent' comment. I'll try, though.

    I thought this was a lovely write. A lot of people choose justice over mercy, I would too, but after reading this piece, I don't really know. I mean, a person is still a person. No one should die in another man's hands no matter how 'bad' he is/was. Our lives' are God's and we should only give them up when He pleases.

    Just some thoughts: I think unsymmetrical should be 'asymmetrical'.
    "But right now, I'd leap at the lips
    who could tell me my life was saved-
    that'd I would have to live
    the rest of my days locked up"
    The third line here seems awkward. I think 'that'd' should be: that.
    Liked the 'leap' and 'lips' though.

    Glad to see this nominated. Keep writing!

  • 12 years ago

    by The Poet Behind The Poems

    This is my fac from you first the title then description was so detailed I could see myself in the dirty cell what an amazing poem I liked how you used the sun , this is really spectacular I loved the ending it says to me you have to live with your choices the rest of your life

    Unbelievable my favs. :)