Only in Hell are we Equal

by Saraphene   Jul 30, 2012

Liberates tu temae ex infernis,
Why in hell are all equal?
why not on earth or in pharie or heaven?
All sinners are the same,
When morality becomes the restriction,
The thieves are the free.
In heaven there is a hierarchy,
Of angels, cherubs and gods.
In pharie there are pyramids of power,
Layers of hypocrisy formed in waves.
On earth it's all about reaching,
Working, become your own slave.
But in hell everyones equal,
A sinner regardless,
A sin is a sin weather or no,
You be murderer or rapist or both.
So why bother with morality or equality,
When the sinners understand it most?
Why must we be equal?
And when was I replaced with we?
Why should I think about you?
When I can think about me?


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