A Thousand Kisses

by Beautiful Chaos   Jul 30, 2012

I thought that love could take me,
A thousand kisses deep,
I dreamed a touch could wake me,
From this hopeless, endless sleep.

I found lips cold and vacant,
Velvet coated death,
Soft until they spoke to me,
Though thought they'd steal my breath.

To touches, I'd surrender,
I cared not for their need,
Sedation of my lustful pride,
My gluttony, my greed.

I felt so full of envy,
I drowned inside that sea,
The wrath in me sustaining,
All you've come to see.

I slothed through moments hopelessly,
No freedom in my mind,
Wished my dreams reality,
Prayed time to rewind.

Discovered I was dead,
Trapped inside my past,
Everything I longed for,
Had left my heart aghast.

I became the things I hated,
Feared to fall asleep,
For in my dreams, I found those lips,
A thousand kisses deep.

My shallow heart could not sustain,
Just what that depth would mean,
I fought the thing I wanted most,
As though it were obscene.

To feel a loss like that again,
I'd rather turn to stone,
The gaping wound it left behind,
Exposed me to the bone.

Oh fear, it came to taste me,
Ambrosial to its tongue,
I caved to all the bitterness,
My song had come unsung.

I died like I was living,
Drunk on all my sin,
Oblivious to anything,
Much deeper than the skin.

My eyes could see no evil,
My ears could hear no shame,
My mind, it longed for coldness,
My lips, they did the same.

Here, today, I've lost it,
Slowly, I do warm,
The life I thought, could not exist,
Is slowly taking form.

I see beyond myself,
I perch to take the leap,
To dive into a life that runs,
A thousand kisses deep.


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  • 9 years ago

    by Ilyb

    Wow this was absolutely incredible!! Great job!!! This is amazing :) :) :)

  • 12 years ago

    by HollywoodSmile

    This is an incredible poem. The wording was absolutely perfect and flowed flawlessly, your imagery was captivating, and i just love it. Such a strong concept, and thanks to you this poem speaks very well for itself.


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