by nouriguess
That was the poem of the highest scores of the first round in my contest. And if I could, I would vote for it too. I love your creative images and the way you used the terms. Not only in the right way, but in the perfect way. |
by Lostlove1
Oh, I loved how you used the black widow spider here Karla, giving her undertones of human nature. You have spun another masterpiece. Good luck in the contest! |
by Decayed
A beautiful poem, from a pen inked with beauty. |
by BLBrown
I have never thought to write a poem about a spider. This was very clever. As others say, you have done a great job of personifying the spider...clever indeed |
by mandy
Amazing write, 5/5! |
by Ingrid
Well done on this challenge, Karla. You show great insight in human emotions in your work and make the reader think:) |
by Xanthe
I hate spiders, but this is a masterpiece. I miss reading you. |