Comments : Abstract Homelessness

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    I knew this was going to win when I read it. I really can't think of any words that aren't so cliche, it's going to be called beautiful and amazing and all that... but it's so much more to me. It touched my heart and I just love it. :)

    • 12 years ago

      by Meme

      Thank you so much Hannah <3

  • 12 years ago

    by Khalid M Darwish

    Excellent thoughts Meme.

  • 12 years ago

    by Wild flower

    I adore this piece, going to my favorite list. And congrats for the win.

  • 12 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    You rocked this one

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    I have to say, when I read your prompt I had a totally different idea as to what you might have came up with. This is outstanding and very unique.

    It was a very well deserved win and a poem which I think will go into many member's favourites. xx

    • 12 years ago

      by Meme

      Thanks a lot BR. I thought yours was amazing as well :-)

  • 12 years ago

    by Mom Pike

    I like this one very much. What a talented way to say your sad and lonely. Even when we write sad poems, they come out beautiful. You have a beautiful heart. Very pretty poem.

  • 12 years ago

    by Haridas

    The metaphor of the arm for a duvet is a master stroke. 'Whispering ambiance' and 'burning loneliness' are words that touch the inner heart. Deserve the win. All the best.

  • 12 years ago

    by Chelsey

    You are such an amazing writer. Jealousss..

    The analogy here, and how it was used throughout this whole piece, I just fell completely in love with this....and to use homeless to describe your heart, how freaking creative. Thats what blew me away, was when I read your prompt, first thing that comes to mind is a homeless person. But no, not you, you step it up a notch and dig deep...and its outstanding meme, really is :) Good job baby girl!

  • 12 years ago

    by Britt

    "I now have to drag
    my cold body that
    compliments the chill
    I am feeling inside,"

    I think "compliments" should be "complements" here..the way I've been reading it lol. I suppose it could work both ways, but with the "e" it's more of a "paired together" type thing. I hope I make sense... lol

    That being said, that was my favorite part. I felt the pain and loneliness and loved the imagery you have. You connected everyday things that we take for granted as those that are taken away from you to feel that void. This was really a beautiful poem :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Xanthe

    Great job Meme for winning the challenge and writing this lovely piece.
    Just from the title, I knew this was going to be a powerful piece and it was fairly obvious you were going to win after I read it in the club. ;)

    As already stated, it's so unique and I'm simply in love with how you end your poems. It seems like you keep building up your poems in each line with emotions and imagery and awesome ideas. And when I think there's nothing left, you just leave the reader speechless with your ending.
    Congrats again. And keep it up! :)