Comments : 20 years too long

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    Chelsey, you done fantastic with your prompt. This reminds me of my father grieving for my mother in a way. It's just shattered my heart... it will definitely get a nomination from me.

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Chels I loved this one. I know when you first seen your prompt you were worried about it a bit and after pulling this off I hope it shows you that your talent is just endless.

    The power this piece holds is amazing, it is about such an amazing love story but a true love story of dedication and how 2 people belong so much together that they struggle to live on without the other.

    Such a lovely idea and the image of the lady at the headstone, this moves me so deeply and I thought the imagery here was so great. The way you mentioned the leaves which had gathered in time. Amazing.

    Great work. x

  • 12 years ago

    by Mom Pike

    Young lady you made me cry with this poem. Its like you wrote how I feel. I feel this way all the time, I miss my Bob very much. I thank you for your dedication and if Bob was here he would thank you too. He wrote me poetry all the time so now I feel very touched to read this poem and I will read it often. You are very talented and again thank you for making an old lady smile, they don't come to often. This poem is beautiful.

  • 12 years ago

    by The Poet Behind The Poems

    This was amazing I remember write a poem about this called 50 years one of my first on the site I think lol

    I loved the emotion you made my heart pour I loved the power and the twist of a lost I never saw it coming this is going iny Favs well done amazing

  • 11 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Well I'm crying buckets... I came here to say thank you for allowing all of us in the Pike family a chance to read this poem for Momma P, and I see her comment was praised... oh darnit.. *crying*

    This poem Chels, was so special to her... thank you..

    • 11 years ago

      by Chelsey

      Love her, love you, praying for you all.