
by Alisa Daigle   Aug 11, 2012

Paint Me.
I, Your still frame of discontentment.
The fallen soul.
Beautifully broken.
Let my pain become your art.

Picture Me.
I, Your frozen memory.
The unforgiven one.
Hatefully abandoned.
Let me invade your mind.

Scetch Me.
I, Your creation waiting to be erased.
The wicked rebel.
Pointlessly existing.
Let me corrupt your heart.

Hang Me.
I, Your picture perfect mistake.
The forgotten child.
Completely alone.
Hang me upon your wall of shame.


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  • WOW! Again, this piece shows such inner strength.

    What you seem to be saying is, you won't give up. They can do all sorts of cruel things to hurt you, but you won't let them destroy your soul.

    I particularly like your layout of this piece. It provides the poem strength also.

    Also, your use of the capital for 'Your' - it seems to create importance for this particular word; draws the reader to its bold use - the word itself seems to symbolise that you are this person's possession, they control you, but by the use of this capital, somehow you defy them. I don't know, that's just how I feel.

    One minor mistake;
    'scetch' should be 'sketch'

    I really like this piece. It's probably my favourite of yours. I hope you write more.

    Take care.

    • 12 years ago

      by Alisa Daigle

      Thank you so much. I wish I could express my apreciation for your time, comments &Critques. Poetry is my life and im hoping to publish my book as soon as im financially able. This is the first time I have put them out there for anyone other than friends &family to read. Its nice to get an outside oppinion exspecially one to give up hope &a scense of pride. Again, I thank you.