Still the same

by Yakari Gabriel   Aug 12, 2012

I wish someone
would've warned me,
I wish someone
would've sit down with
me and told me about
sneaks, and snakes, and
friendships that bend
and crack and break.

I wish I would've known
better, than to simply believe
in what was written, and what was
spoken. Instead of patiently wait
for actions to take the stand
like witnesses to describe
crime scenes.

I wish, I wish I would've known
that some people are as rotten as
as pedophiles, as heartless as
mothers who abandoned their
children for men, as stupid
as lovers who get matching tattoos
and as scary as judgment day

How I wish I was smarter,
prettier, better.

because it seems to me,
that I've been living lies.
It seems to me that I've
been told lies.

Although I barely care,
about those who gossip.
those who shake me, like to beat me
like to twist me, like to doubt me..

..I still wish I had been prepared.

because time seems to
have matured everything,

except my heart.

I'm as foolish, as I've ever been.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    The opening was chilling, and it brought me this image in my head of a young woman by herself, wishing someone would have told her that life is cruel and that sometimes people go away maybe for a reason- maybe not.

    "I wish I would've known
    better, than to simply believe
    in what was written, and what was
    spoken. Instead of patiently wait
    for actions to take the stand
    like witnesses to describe
    crime scenes."

    This really got my emotions. It's so easy and simple to believe in words whether someone writes or speaks them... I love how you address that here because at some point in our life, we all may put trust ahead without thinking. This was a really neat phrase, one of my favorites,

    "Instead of patiently wait for actions to take the stand like witness to describe crime scenes"-

    "wait" should be "waiting" I think? Otherwise, this was gripping. I like how you brought patience into this too, because trust takes time. "actions to take the stand"- that was so powerful, I love how you connected this.

    The part that really tore my heart up was when you listed how you wish you would've known about people...and then you give examples, from small silly things to things I can't even begin to fathom like abandonment.

    Everything was so real in this piece! Just want to let you know if you need anything, I'm here for you. I'm sorry you had to go through this, through putting yourself down. Things happen, people change and I know what it's like to be told a's hard and seems to break you down. But don't lose yourself in it.

    Amazing how you make the reader truly feel the passion with which you write---- I've never really read anything with this much human desire in it....we all have needs that we seem to scream for. It makes me want to write something out myself that says truth about me--something that I long for or have been without. Just to say something and release it.

    Big hugs, a brilliant write as usual :)

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