Comments : Bottles and Cans

  • 12 years ago

    by Hellon

    Not bad's needing some tidying up and...I think it quite one dimentional at the moment so give it some character...I will try to expain what I mean further along....

    Bottles and cans litter my floor,
    A path to my bed in liquored decour,
    I drank quite a bit to settle a score,

    A path just isn't personal enough IMO..the path perhaps but...I'd just start the sentence with path...guess you could really be anywhere..not necessarily in your own room here?

    Life just isn't fair
    When I sit and I stare,
    Into the bottom of a bottle empty and bare,


    This is self pity.. just isn't fair for a lot of're really not any you're dealing with it is alone can change that.

    Drinking just isnt fun, *isn't*
    I think Im on the run *I'm*
    From a life in wich no good can come, *which*


    You're admitting here that it's not fun so ask yourself...why?

    Everytime I sleep,
    I can hear it creep,
    My soul for the reap,


    More than likely it's a drunken sleep and dreams shouldn't be taken seriously then....your brain wasn't coherent when you fell into this state of sleep.

    I don't have a reason to get out of bed,
    These four walls all painted red,
    Windows closed, lights out, I might already be dead

    Well...just being blunt most probably will if you don't get your act together.

    Not sure if this is a fictional poem but...I've based my comment on it being a reality and...if this is the case....I want to kick your ass big time entered one of the best poem in the contest I held with Larry at the beginning of the just didn't follow the rules or something was a great poem....

  • Bottles and cans litter my floor,
    A path to my bed in liquored decour,
    I drank quite a bit to settle a score,

    Already from this first stanza I can sense the unhappiness that you are feeling with your life. The imagery here was great.

    Life just isn't fair
    When I sit and I stare,
    Into the bottom of a bottle empty and bare,

    Again that feeling of unhappiness shines through. This first line seems to be out of sync with the flow however. Sounds as though you're drinking to forget - it somehow crossed from something fun, to something just 'to do', to something to drown out the memories..? That's the impression I get anyway.

    Drinking just isnt fun,
    I think Im on the run
    From a life in wich no good can come,

    A few fix-ups:
    'just isnt fun' -- apostrophe is need in 'isn't'
    'think Im on' -- needs an apostrophe in 'I'm'
    'life in which no' -- 'wich should be 'which'

    This somewhat provides proof to my previous statement of drinking to forget. You're running away from something... possibly simply reality, maybe your past..?

    Everytime I sleep,
    I can hear it creep,
    My soul for the reap,

    Well firstly, flawless rhyming here.
    My interpretation is: nightmares?

    I don't have a reason to get out of bed,
    These four walls all painted red,
    Windows closed, lights out, I might already be dead.

    'don't have a reason to get out of bed' - this gives me the impression that you have no one left in your life that you believe loves you. Perhaps because of the choices you have made, everyone has left? Or perhaps you pushed them away?
    'four walls all painted red' - I feel like there is a deeper meaning behind this, but I don't know what. Perhaps that you are angry - maybe that's just a simple view of things based on the colour choice ('red') .. maybe I'm simply reading too much into it. hmm
    'I might already be dead' - clearly this is an exaggeration, but obviously you feel like life isn't worth living perhaps, or there's no use to living.. or perhaps you're just realising that by living this way you are facing an early death..? Or then again, suicidal thoughts..? I don't know, so many options. Again I could be reading too much into it.

    A great write.
    There is so much emotion within this piece.
    The imagery was vivid and the flow, though off in some places, was perfect in the majority of the poem.
    I hope you are (at least) trying to stop this way of living, because it is unhealthy, unproductive and well basically, a complete waste of time and money. Hopefully you sort your life out.
