Love is

by Ole Carsten   Aug 19, 2012

Love is?
Love in an hourglass
Running like dry sand
Shaping slowly word by word
Letter by letter is pushed down
All words are chorused
Into essence
Runs down
And melts together
Once more into new words
Sentences are rebuild letter by letter
Word by word into meaningful love
Sending sweetness into the veins
Letting the heart beat
In love


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  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Oh, the layout of this is so unique i love it, even without reading it it just stands right out and shouts " look at me" It kind of reminded me of an egg timer, and the sand ( your letters ) running through the middle.

    My only suggestion would be to change the grammer in this line : Sentences is rebuild letter by letter - to - Sentences are rebuilt letter by letter

    - this would be the correxct grammer and it does not mess up your lay out or flow :)

    Brilliant job on this one!

  • 12 years ago

    by L


    I love this piece, it is true so true.

    I didn't have any problem with the repetition of love though, I think it was needed and hence it was place where it was needed.
    Okay, I like the use of the letters of the alphabet and forming the hourglass. My thoughts are that love is like that. It Could start with amour, beloved, courtesy... Idk I mean the letters could be arrange to describe how love starts according to the letters of the alphabet and hence adding an alphabet poem to this piece. But that would be difficult to find the Z to describe how love starts.. Though.. Any who, I like the idea behind this piece and also the shape well done.

    Edit: on third read, I see that love it is repeated like chelsey said.. But still I so like the Idea behind this poem.

    • 12 years ago

      by Ole Carsten

      Love has become to Zero

      love is entering a forbidden zone

      love is a balance in Zen

      your ideas are great, work it out

  • 12 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Ole, This is soooooo cool! Loving the analogy of an hour glass and that you turned it into shape poetry. Seriously, I really enjoyed that!

    I loved what you were trying to get across here, however I feel like you over used the word "love" I would have like to see that substituted with a couple other words maybe romance, bliss, etc.

    I still thought this was a great piece simply for the meaning and the creativity :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Odin Ebbesen

    You are special

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