Comments : The secret and the Reality

  • 12 years ago

    by L

    Hahaha nice!!

    When I read the note I thought it would be something like this. Also thanks for the note since I would have said that the capital letters were bothering me, in any case that was the whole purpose so we could take them off from the page lol and read the reality. Those sugarcoated words screamed at someone and haha

    Amazing job. How much time did it took you to write this?

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    Very creative, Khalid.

    I do think that you should try to make it so each line is either without caps or with... it makes it kind of difficult to read when you have both in the same line, I find myself kind of searching for the words. It would flow a lot easier if you had it...

    however, that's just my opinion.

  • 12 years ago

    by Khalid M Darwish

    The reality is shown in the small letters and the secret in the capital letters. Well if I had the possibility to show each part in different color I'd have done it. This, however, is the only way. Thank you all for the sweet comments which mean a lot to me. I appreciate that.

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    I have to say this is amazingly thought out Khalid, I can see it must have took a lot of time to do and is very unique. i have never read anything like this on this site before and it is inspiring to try it myself.

    a spelling error which I noticed :LET'S START A NEW PAGE AND REPLCE OUR
    - replace*

    I have to agree with the girls comments, I love the idea of this poem and your words are great and story it tells. I would encourage you to rearrange the lay out though to what hannah suggests, or add in more punctuation. Giving both the capitalized words and the lower case words it causes a bit of stumble while reading and breaks up the flow which is a great shame because your work here is really very good.

    Excellent idea, and I wonder if you would try another like this in the future?