The New World

by Rusheena   Aug 20, 2012

The salty sweat from their brown skin that fertilizes the fresh soil.
Their calloused hands are now damaged beyond recognition.
Their fingerprints, like their names have been erased.

They all look the same, no matter the gender or age:
sore, tired, and uncertain.
They pick cotton while praying
for a freedom that they will never see
and for the ones that will,
not the kind they envisioned.

They sing hymns of God's glory
that has only been seen through their survival.
But as the busted leather whips tear into their blistered backs,
the beautiful face of hope begins to scar.

They are the victims of the New World,
but their anguish still lingers into the 21st Century.
These are the faces that I have inherited,
the hoarse voices crying out beyond
the grave that have yet to be heard.
They are my tears, my flesh and blood,
my America.


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Latest Comments

  • 12 years ago

    by Angie

    This comes from the heart, every word touches the soul... you painted such a vivid picture with your words

  • 12 years ago

    by ah satan 666


    This is a true heartfelt write missy...

    If someone would, as I can't... This is nomination worthy.

    Your simple, yet powerful wording gives great imagery... Suffering and pain for a bigger picture... The Freedom to be an equal.

    Hats off to you missy...

    Brilliant write!!!

  • 12 years ago

    by myonlymoon

    I am almost speechless Rusheena... This peice is moving from the first line, steadily through the last. I can strongly relate to this because of my heritage- I am Native American! This is one of those reads that reaches into you and stirs your soul. It is so powerful and moving. It is amazing. Wonderful job here. And I mean wonderful!!!

    xoxo Crystal

  • 12 years ago

    by The Poet Behind The Poems

    This piece is mesmerising, I absolutely love it
    You feel the emotion just spilling off the page,
    I read alot about the history surrounding this topic
    One quote from a film sticks in my mind.

    "Just because something's popular,like slavery
    Don't make it right"

    I think your wording captured the reality
    That people used to live ,

    Seriously amazing piece.

  • 12 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    I love this piece Rusheena, and I'll tell you why because it comes from the heart, it tells us about you, it gives us an insight into things we may not necessarily have come across, it helps us understand, it paints a picture...
    It was penned with sadness but with hope and dedication and pride...
