Love in a lifetime, possible?

by Ole Carsten   Aug 21, 2012

Please let me love you
Over and over
Let love start again and again
Nourished by your smile

Let love be carried on
Filled with dreams
Forever renewed by kisses
Constantly alive for a lifetime

Never stop and hold back
Don't put up restrictions
Let love float in you
Sending oxygen in your brain

Secure there is no gab between us
Be colorful like the butterflies
Drown us in colors clear and bright
Let the flashing lit up your eyes

Let me slide in emotions
Holding the bright smile
After a kiss
After a sweet touch

Stop my longing
Hold back my pain
Set traffic lights on blue
Heal me from nightmare

Open the harbor for love
Enjoy feelings in the airport
Kiss me at the highways
Love me on the seas

Loves Boulevard has no stops
There a no conflicts there
Take me there in heavens
Roll me there when I am old

Promise me to lay by my side
When time comes for that
At the end of loves Boulevard
Take that swing with me to eternity


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  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    This is very beautifully put together, I enjoyed reading it. nice work.

  • 12 years ago

    by Odin Ebbesen

    Your are romantic like nobody nice 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Mattias Ostling

    Very beautiful, Ole. I liked it a lot! Great metaphors.

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