I thought, but I was wrong

by Bella   Aug 23, 2012

I remember, how you told me
"we'll be best friends until the end you'll see",
I thought we were better than the others
I thought we were different had our own treasures,
Turns out, you played me well
you fooled me like hell
I know I seem so strong,
but inside I'm weak from all those words so wrong
I was so attached to you
I was holding on like super glue
And today I could just hear your sorry
and smile and feel the joy of victory,
but you're not coming back are you?
Not until I say my sorry?
I knew you were like them,
but one day I'll find him
the perfect one
and I know he'll never hurt me for fun.
So i'll log on and see you're on,
try to open a chat message say hi and erase it all knowing it's wrong,
I hope you regret what you said
I still can't convice myself they came from your head.
So Goodbye little bastard,
I hope i was loud and clear and you heard!


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  • 12 years ago

    by Bella

    Thank you so much! i really appreciate it :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Alanis

    Hello Bella welcome to Qs and Ps! Losing a friend is a dismaying thing. I know I have been through it too. Beautifully expressed a amazing piece. Keep writing!

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