My soul mate ~The key to my heart~

by Invisibly Awesome   Aug 26, 2012

The key to my heart is a crazy thing
It is hard to turn even with a ring
Now don't get me wrong there is one soul
My other half that makes me whole
He is always far but yet so near
One of the reasons he is so dear
Even when one of us runs astray
With him my key shall always stay
gone for a month or maybe a year
losing him is still hardly a fear
He is half of my soul and all of my mate
The one true love that can make my heart quake
And with out him there would be no me
This is how it shall always be
I've tried to change that fact, I have
But I can not and deep down this makes me glad
He is my one and only in this big small world
He has even stay around when curve balls are hurled
Not always physically but in spirit he is there
This is a mutual feeling we both know and share
And this is why I leave him my key
For it is the only sane place it can be
But I must say this since there is no rewind
Never leave my soul, never let us untwine


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  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Hello tiffany, I quite like this. The rhyming was good and it's like you are yin to his yan and vice versa.

    Well written, Em

    • 8 years ago

      by Invisibly Awesome

      Thank you very much Em :) That means a lot to me. & yes, we are very much like "yin to yan"... Again Thank you so much for reading and commenting, it means so much to see that others can "feel", and understand my poems :)

  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    Nice lovely job here p&l midnight sky