My Heritage

by Paul Gondwe   Aug 26, 2012

My black skin has people staring
in awe
Some say it is a curse passed on
from my greatest of grandfathers

But I laugh as I walk by

Others say its the symbol of
being a backward people,
words that hurt but I just don't
seem to care what they think

So I laugh as I walk by

"Black man" they shout to call me
as if I don't have a name anymore
But I am black so I respond with the
uttermost pride

And I laugh some more

They think I am rude and raise their
voice with all thoughts of threats
In their boastful tongue, they ask who
I think I am to laugh

While laughing, I say

I am more man than they could be,
more human than what they claim to
be, Yes I am dark and that's why the
sun rises so I not exert my fury on you

I am proud of my heritage and my tongue
My everything is my delight, my darkness
is my light, you might call it a curse, I call
it a gift

Yes, I am dark and that is my heritage


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  • 7 years ago

    by mossgirl19

    I missed this poem five years ago when it was published here. You are bold as ever and your point is so clear that I am humbled to be your reader. You are a legend.

  • 12 years ago

    by DirtRoadGirl

    I loved this... your pride earns you a great amount of respect

  • 12 years ago

    by Aubrey

    I loved this....I never understud why skin color matters so much.... a person.. a person.... No matter the color of their skin....your awesome.... so dont listen to foolish lies:)

  • 12 years ago

    by AnnanHeppinstall

    Hah, I can't get enough of this guy's writing. two thumbs up.

  • 12 years ago

    by Yakori bint Muhammed

    This is what I call an epic masterpiece. You always WOW! me with your high spirits to always speak volumes about the 'African'. So so proud of you. Its been a battle centuries back since the advent of slave trade, how the black skin is been seen as an ostracised being with no superior purpose in their lives.. The debate has been tough and it took pride, relentless faith, diligence, integrity, perseverance and objectives for our yester years leaders and people to attain their rightful rights in our societies.

    Nonetheless, it still didn't stop the African man who always has a 'staunch pride' to persue and claim his or her aspiration to go for greater heights. It didn't deter us to feel disheartened or distraught. Rather got us actiively and ardently ready to go all the way without any form of inferiority complex. Uptil now in some parts of the continent in the world, some abhor associating themselves with the black man. Its rather unfortunate for them but not the African man.

    Its agreed that racism can't be eradicated in some peoples viens but its their loss and our gain. Beautiful portrayal of the 'black skin'. Keep churning out amazing messages. You'll really go a long way with your faith and belief in accepting your stance as an African. Thus impacting others positively with your dreams and thoughts. I'll always be proud of you brother, much love.

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