Love at seaside

by Ole Carsten   Aug 28, 2012

Standing at the seaside in Denmark
Looking over the endless waves
feeling the power of salty seawater
seeing so many blue colors
missing the color for love and seduction

Cool breezes are hitting my face
Setting the skin a blaze in wonderful red
the seas greatness is overwhelm by wind
shutting the eyes and images floats
summer sun and warm wind sweeping in
Images of clear green eyes smiling to me

Still with the eyes shut remembering
A smile followed by a sweet long kiss
once more looking at the waves constant move
oxygen is filling my lungs and brain
it is a magnifying glass testing your eyes
A big smirk is well placed in my face

Late summer at the beach is deceitful
no one can feel the beautiful sail passing
The wind is getting strong by minute
lifting and playing with the sand
building small hills and dunes at the coast

The wind of love inside me is sweeping
In memories and images in me
Love is painting vivid colors in its own scale
Blinding time and all is well as time stand still
The sea is calming down and the waves are lower


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  • 12 years ago

    by Meme

    You used the best place ever to write this poem with. You just perfectly described how standing infront of crashing waves feels like, closed eyes.. deep breaths .. fresh air .. warm sun .. Just the whole wonderful atmosphere of the place.

    Love it so very much :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Paul Gondwe

    The imagery in this piece is amazing. Your words of love are really heart touching, i enjoy your poems, they are really amazing.

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