Comments : The Mistress

  • 12 years ago

    by sham pulok

    Just an instrument of pleasure I seek nothing more,
    No love to remake that dead forgotten heart,
    What more can I ask for that blissful emotional big fat nothing?
    nice line

  • 12 years ago

    by Khalid M Darwish

    Powerful thoughts in this piece, especially the last two lines
    'You dirty secret in your closet,
    The Mistress of Your Heart'
    I encourage you to keep penning 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Stephen

    Wow! such expression & emotion. Beautiful way to start this off..

    "My body is what you crave,
    Thy heart is long since dead,
    What remains of me is what everyone wants,"

    beautiful expression-- nobody is after the love in your heart, simply the pleasures your body can bring..

    This is all around very expressive and full of emotion. Awesome piece of work here, great job. keep it up :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Yakori bint Muhammed

    This is quiet, deeply evocative of grief but confidently assuring your spirit you're absolutely fine. A contented subject who knows the pessimistic outlook drawn by her inhabitants. Nonetheless, taking it gladly that this is her score and path to walk on. Such courage and guts to admit her actions.

    She criticised and accepts her faults. So anymore of that is just a commendation to her. However, the inner her is lonely and saddened by this life. You never wished to end up like this, but circumstances must have choosen your immoral plight.

    Great piece and what a diverse topic to talk on. Blessings :) ..

  • 12 years ago

    by La Reina De Corazones

    Thank you sweetie and you're right! :)

  • 12 years ago

    by The Queen of Spades

    Oh, oh, oh!!! This is probably my FAVORITE piece of yours, there's so much that I connect to that is written so eloquently.

    "Just an instrument of pleasure I seek nothing more"

    "A broken doll only good enough to F" (so glad you chose not to include the whole word - it would have detracted from the heartfelt brokenness of the poem)

    and the entire last stanza, I have totally felt like the girl you are portraying! Thank you for this amazing poem!