I wanna be with you everytime
Seize that moment we're together
Stop the time if i could and I would
The joy I felt when our eyes met
I won't ever exchange for a million
Walking together all alone
On a greenfield full of daisies
Underneath the blueskies above
Mister sun smiling down to us.
A breeze of air passed by my ear
Like a lullaby that eases inside
The leaves fell and touched the ground
Silence heard a whisper i love you
And then I saw that smile again
A heart skipped a beat and one
Words you uttered sounded like music
All that I hear amidst all the noise
Don't wanna let go of this moment
Fairytale like it is, it seemed not real
Don't wake me up and tell me it is
A sweet dream I'd stay forever
Sixty minutes of joy felt like never
Found a new meaning of happiness
Few memories need to take a backseat
This 'come as the most and happiest