Comments : Oceans mirror to my soul

  • 12 years ago

    by Formidable Muse

    This is a lovely yet sad poem.

    "Gazing out on they ocean
    Yet it's not the ocean that I see
    It's so much deeper
    So deep it's inside of me
    I pull back not sure I want to know"

    ^^this is my favorite part! I've always felt the same way about the ocean. It's alluring in a way.

    I remember being at that point where I lost myself (well actually someone changed me into a person who I am not) It's a terrible place to be and hard to get back to who you were... But sometimes being in that place will make you a better, stronger person, sometimes you change for the best and aren't really lost, just different. What you are searching for is inside yourself you just need to find it.