Comments : Listen

  • 12 years ago

    by Khalid M Darwish

    Nice comparison between noise and silence! I suggest you divide the poem into two stanzas as follows:

    Surrounded by noise, chaos
    The never ceasing traffic,
    Cats fighting in the alleyway
    Silence seems so distant.
    So take a moment to let it go

    Sit, listen can you hear your heart beat?
    Life's true rhythm, life's true melody
    Surrounded by silence
    Can you hear?
    Breathe, breath listen to life its self
    Can you hear?

    Keep penning, it's a good poem. I loved it.

  • 12 years ago

    by Silent Scribbler

    Very intersting. Seems to have a deep meaning behind it. Where it speaks of silence and lifes true melody. Not all the trafic and noise of the man made chaos that covers the world these days. Very nice and very meaningful. Keep it up.

  • 12 years ago

    by Silent Scribbler

    Very intersting. Seems to have a deep meaning behind it. Where it speaks of silence and lifes true melody. Not all the trafic and noise of the man made chaos that covers the world these days. Very nice and very meaningful. Keep it up.

  • 12 years ago

    by The Queen of Spades

    I love the line "Sit, listen can you hear your heart beat?"

    I'm so glad you're back on this site because its clear that you have a lot of potential and good poetry to offer! <3

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    Great imagery of the surrounding noises...I really like the addition of the cats fighting in the alley, I can just hear the howls and hisses. lol

    I like the comparison of the silence as well, great contrast. Sometimes all we need to do is listen and we will be able to listen to the silence.

  • 12 years ago

    by L

    I really didn't think you were focusing about silence, rather I thought you were talking about life. And how with everyday noises we don't realize that we are alive. That we should take some time and enjoy life and Listen to the true melody that is our heart. To Take a break and relax.

    There is a typo.. I think...

    Breathe, breath listen to life its self

    I believe it should be "to life itself" instead ot its self.

  • 12 years ago

    by Alanis

    I enjoyed this, excellet, you expressed yourself
    Beautifully, 5/5