Comments : Go back to sleep

  • 12 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Well there you go again love, giving those quotes that I so wish could become famous:

    because time knows of
    everything, except mercy
    and slowing down.

    ^ seriously epic.

    Yaki I just love the message in this piece so much. I can relate to it a lot, it waso nly 3 years ago when I graduated H.S and didn't think to truly cherish those moments, because now here I am with lost friends, lost memories, and it does stink.. This is the time in your life though when you truly find out who your friends are, who will stay and who will go.

    Loved the analogy of the beach ball, I had some serious beachy imagery going on in my head.

    Always love reading your poems :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    This is such a truthful piece! There's so many of those people that you meet in life and throughout your school years that once you graduate you drift from and then you're remembered of them and wish you could have held on to the friendship because often most do change after high school & new lives begin. It's sad indeed, I've let many friendships go but definitely have kept the most important ones. I love the wisdom here, the whole poem is lovely. The metaphor was great, not one I would have thought of myself, very creative.

  • 12 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Really thought-provoking piece, the metaphor about the beach ball truly put so many things into perspective, it held so much emotion.

    " careful who you hold on to,
    but most importantly be careful
    who you let go of."

    Yaki this really spoke volumes to me....there was a lot of wisdom in it and I know I won't forget it! I had a few friendships I learned a lot about, made some mistakes, and really wished sometimes I had shut my mouth. It's hard but I know when I graduate I'm going to remember and I'm also going to meet other people who I will blossom with too.

    I love how you mentioned the time part as well...I believe sometimes it's hard to find mercy in life or to try to be forgiven from a friendship where you had a say in walking away.

    Awesome piece~ Take care always :)