An Illusion of The Heart and Mind

by Stephen   Sep 6, 2012

Tonight you appeared at my bedside;
Your smile as radiant as a shining star,
eyes controlling me with their emerald green
luminance, the aroma of your hair freeing
memories once enslaved in the labyrinth
my mind has become.

Bringing me back to moments of lying in
freshly trimmed grass, dandelions surrounding
us as castle guards would do for their king and queen;
Observing the Heavenly blue sky as marshmellow
clouds overpass and songbirds harmonize their
ballad of love. The indelible feeling of your
fingertips as they leisurely, but passionately,
ran from one side of my chest to the other
accompanied with the faint whispers of
lust you'd lull into my ear.

Praying to the Heavens; Pleading to pause time
immediately for then this moment of bliss
would become eternal... Knowing I'd yearn
for these moments when they became
pieces of a shattered dream.

Tonight you appeared at my bedside
as if you were attempting to taunt me.
Leaving me to ruminate our past affection
as if it were a dream I couldn't awake from,
a calamity caused by love. It's times like these
I reach out to embrace you, only to realize
that you weren't even here.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Aubrey

    This is really good....I like it:)

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    This piece really... and I mean REALLY, touched me. Recently my father told me he had a dream... of my mother laying in bed with him (She passed away) ... and that when he woke up, he thought she was still there...he reached for her, and she wasn't. It has literally broke my heart. ... and this poem just brought me back to him telling me that, seeing the look on his face...the heartache.

    I will be adding this to my favorites, I can't stop reading it. You, sir, have quite a talent that truly captures the reader and makes them feel every single emotion.

  • 12 years ago

    by L

    This is a love poem that leaves me sad.
    yeah, it had a nice effect because it started with the girl appearing at the bedside then it ended with an embraced that woke up the guy. It must have been a daydream that turned into a really sad way of waking up.

    and I thought that this was really a good, it takes talent to do that. To take the reader into one thought then to give it a twist. It's something risky yet if done accordingly it's works well. I feel that that is what you did with this piece.

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Haha, I was so disappointed when this poem ended... part 2????

    Really moving piece which just flows perfectly and is flawless in my eyes. It is very well written and I can tell this is from the heart, very talented, well done.

  • 12 years ago

    by Amreen

    I got carried away with this as if I am reading some story, soooo beautiful... The imageries kept the pace alive throughout... You are sooo talented my friend... I didnt even realised that It didnt rhymed... It didnt actually bother me.... Cuz the flow was just amazing...:)

    beautiful my friend:))