Forever Alone

by Anna   Sep 6, 2012

Forever alone forever watching others be happy forever always the last woman to smile to love to feel forever in the shadows of the night only watching smiling a fake smile forever alone in this immortal life losing all hope of true happiness will i ever find my lover my friend my mate the man i was made for? forever i am wishing only wishing to see the man i am to be with is it a hopeful wish? am i only lien to myself? forever is a very long time as i only forever alone only watching the happiness of others i am missing so deeply where are you my lover of lovers? will i ever see you will i ever hear you say i love you my darken lover will you feed my heart back to life or will you only rip out of my chest again and again but i will never will not feel pain so tell me where is my lover of lovers is he feeling what i am at this moment? is his heart braking to know i am here waiting for him missing the touch to feel his kiss is my dream forever sleeping alone forever crying the tearless tears i have no more to share where is my mate where are you tell me you will be mine i already love you but i have never seen you,i don't even know the sound of your voice the color of your eyes to feel you touch no words can say what i would feel or see or even do tell me do you know i am live only waiting for you to hold me to take my pain away the pain i do not feel i wish to see you every night of my life my endless life forever going on an on i am forever alone only the gods can give me a sign now............


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  • 12 years ago

    by Ray Blue

    ~Wonderful lines:

    what i would feel or see or even do tell me do you know i am live only waiting for you to hold me to take my pain away the pain i do not feel.

    Keep on writting! 5/5!

    • 12 years ago

      by Anna

      Ty :)