Comments : Remembrance

  • 12 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Wow...This is the second poem Ive read where it was broken into parts and I'm really loving that. Im loving the random thoughts in these parts, like short chapters in a book...

    The ending :( Oi! Loved the mention of death and kind of comparing it to burning poems, letting the reader know you werent necessarily talking about real humans passing away, but maybe the death of memories, or past feelings..

    Loved the last little snippet you threw in there at the end...about your fear of people finding out the truth. Aren't all of us poets afraid of that at some point or another?....

    such an intriguing piece Yaki!


  • 12 years ago

    by Darren

    Yaki, this is fantastic, such a simple write full of great emotion,

    I love your choice of breaking them apart almost as three seperate poems, I you did burn a book of poetry I hope you still have a copy somewhere if this is anything to go by.


  • 12 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Yaki this was an incredible poem! I too loved how you broke it up into those three sections and how you had the roman numeral, like you were telling different stories that when put on the same page, flowed together and showed who you are telling us you are. Just the image of death here and how you incorporated your parents is breathtaking, it's deep and curious and has me wondering also why you never want someone to find out about the book of poems.

    Amazing write <3 :)