Comments : Freedom (Tanaga)

  • 12 years ago

    by Lostlove1

    My red freedom you've a door
    Nocked by each blood painted hand
    In me of what nights threw you,
    I've wounds got depth in my heart

    A new form for my eyes to behold!!! This is a new one for me..never seen one of these.
    Khalid to be honest I am a little confused but I want to try to help :)

    My red freedom you've a door

    Nocked by each blood painted hand

    ^^Knocked on by each blood stained hand
    (I added on and removed painted to use stained for 1 syllable)

    In me of what nights threw you,

    ^^ (I am confused here with this line.)

    I've wounds got depth in my heart
    ^^ I've got wounds deep in my heart.

    needs some tweekin Khalid. Thank you for showing us this form :) You are really good at syllables.

    • 12 years ago

      by Khalid M Darwish

      Here, the red freedom has a door (not is a door). So I will add a comma:

      My red freedom, you've a door
      Knocked on by each blood stained hand
      In me, of what nights threw you,
      I've wounds got depth in my heart

      I've also added a comma after 'In me'
      In the fourth line the wounds got depth in my heart.

      Thank you for commenting

  • 12 years ago

    by Amreen

    A very touching poem.. It is indeed very difficult to be free, to attain liberty by sacrificing much more than your life...
    Great write... u are a great writer:)

  • 12 years ago

    by Mohan

    Really great poem khalid i knew little bit about syria

  • My red freedom, you've a door

    I love this opening - the symbols are superb.

    Knocked on by each blood stained hand

    The imagery here is just perfect - adds a real darkness to the piece, but also a story, a depth that readers wouldn't assume from such a short piece.

    In me, of what nights threw you,
    I've wounds got depth in my heart

    May I suggest that the last line read like:
    'I've got wounds deep in my heart'
    'My wounds got depth in my heart'
    It doesn't quite make sense the way you have written it.

    I have never seen this form/style before, and I really like it. So thanks for the introduction, a beautifully written one if I do say so myself. (:

    You have managed to write a story with great depth in this piece and with vivid imagery. 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by L

    Hmm.. everything made sense.. expect this part

    "I've wounds got depth in my heart "

    --there is something odd and not making sense the way it's written

    I think it's either

    Some wounds got depth in my heart....

    or I've got wounds deep in my heart...

    or I've wounds with depth in my heart... but still this third one I'm not sure, may be the above one makes more sense.

    other than that, I got the idea that freedom is near.. it has a door and I'm guessing you mention Red FReedom because of the blood that was stained in the hand.. So perhaps, you fought till you are almost there to open the door and find freedom? just fighting to cross that door.. hmm...

    well done

  • 12 years ago

    by La Reina De Corazones

    Oh wow this is just beautiful! i LOVE the last line this poem is short but very beautiful and filled with emotions too so congrats! :) i love the poem and it's true freedom is not easy to attain 5/5

    Queen Ash

    • 12 years ago

      by Khalid M Darwish

      Thank you Queen Ash for the encouraging comment. I appreciate that.

  • 12 years ago

    by La Reina De Corazones

    You're welcome my dear Khalid keep writing poetry i will add you as my favorite author so i can read every poem you come up with you have great talent a talent that i will never be able to achieve but i don't mind! :)

    Queen Ash